Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Hey everybody!

Sorry I didn't post anything sooner but my first week here at Rocky Road has been pretty busy.

I had a bit of trouble flying inside Africa after my international flight was delayed by a storm, making me late for my connection (from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth). Luckily, I was able to change my ticket and I flew into PE only a few hours later. I stayed at a backpacker's inn called Nulgile -- Afrikaans for "alright" -- for the night. The inn is only a few minutes from the beach and in the morning I explored the area for a little while before I had to catch the bus to Plettenburg Bay.

Here's the small part of Port Elizabeth I was able to explore. Not pictured: Unhappy Valley, which doesn't have a McDonald's.

I arrived at Rocky Road during the weekend so I should've had a chance to rest before the week, right? Nah. Not when the Rugby World Cup is on and South Africa is playing! Apparently Rocky Road is a big place around here and people are constantly dropping in just to say hi or to enjoy a couple beers on the back porch.

The view from the aforementioned back porch. Decent.

After the weekend came the week, and "work". Now, everybody who reads this can tell people that I'm sweating and suffering here in South Africa, but really, the work I'm doing can hardly be called work at all. This past week I've helped with a few nature treks down at Nature's Valley (a conservation area in the area with beaches, wetlands, rivers, mountains, and estuaries), taught swimming lessons with some kids from local schools, and worked down at Ingwe River Adventures. Actually, this past weekend I got to work with terminally-ill kids at Ingwe and that has been my favorite experience by far. The kids were shy and quiet at first but by Saturday they were playing soccer with us, yelling and screaming through the obstacle courses, dancing and singing, just being kids. By the end of the weekend Chris (the other American volunteer and my roommate at Rocky Road) and I had most of the boys doing the handshake from Fresh Prince, the one that Will and Jazz do. Lindsay or Taylor can show it to you.

Oh yeah, South Africa won the Rugby World Cup this weekend so there was a "bit" of celebrating around here.

So that's a very brief summary of what I've been doing in the past week. It's hard to believe that I've already been gone for nearly two weeks! I will write more about the other volunteers and people here at Rocky Road later. Maybe even today; the weather is rainy which means there probably won't be any swimming lessons. Which is fine with me. That water is COLD.

Shunning resumed.
- Brandon


Sol Rack said...

Yes, I concur. It is a decent view. You mentioned Battlestar Galactica in your title . . . but no mention of who that is. I can only assume that he is another volunteer "working" at Rocky Road . . . sounds Finnish.

ruby valade said...

Wicker duck hat cool!!! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like you said, sweating and suffering in South Africa, if, that is hardly possible. Anyways, I look forward to following your adventures in South Africa, have fun...

Cyn Mutscheller said...

Always knew you were a pumpkin head! Enjoying your blog. So proud of you. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures. Micah would love a postcard from there if you happen to see one. We are trying to collect from as many countries as possible. Don't break your back on all the hard work....have a great time!

nana said...

Hay Bran!
Love reading your blog. Beautiful pics. It sounds like you are having quite an adventure. Looking forward to your next blog.

amma said...

Great pictures. Cool job you are doing there. Helping children and hear them laughing is priceless. Way to go, Brandon

Bill V said...

Hope November is treating you as well as Ocober did. Proud of you.

Poppa V

Diane V said...

Brandon - Nice spot to volunteer! Looks gorgeous!
I especially enjoy your own picture - pumpkin head! Can't say that's how I remember you. Would love to see a picture with you in it.

What an adventure to have. Hope you have a wonderful time.

Hope you remember me. The ice skating aunt.